The Interactive Learning Center Homeschool Program provides students with opportunities for exploration through social interactions, academic learning, expressive arts, mindfulness, and movement. Our individualized curriculum meets the needs of students within a range of chronological and developmental ages. Curriculum
Homeschool lessons focus on learning and discovery of science and the natural world. Students are exposed to music, art, handwork, and movement as part of their academic programming. Math and literacy focus on essential skills needed to advance each student’s proximity to the common core standards for their grade level. Social studies focuses on local geography and biographies of individuals who have contributed to our knowledge of each area of study.
Science & Math Exploration
Students have opportunities to develop and strengthen their scientific thinking skills through nature-based learning. They hone their skills of observation, create hypotheses, conduct experiments, and employ math thinking to measure and graph their results. Students work together to predict outcomes, create experimental designs, analyze data, and form logical conclusions.
Literacy & Social Studies
Students learn how to read and read to learn through texts that tap into and guide their experience of the world. Spelling curriculum will deepen the students’ ability to visualize and contextualize words. As with other areas of study, literacy and social studies guide understanding of self in relation to others and the environment. This year’s social studies curriculum explores the landscape of Massachusetts and the geography of New England, examining our natural resources and history.
Expressive Arts
The homeschool program encourages imagination and creativity. Through a modified Waldorf Arts curriculum, students develop an understanding of form through exploration of color with wet-on-wet water color painting. Students explore drawing, and sculpture with various materials including charcoal, beeswax, and modeling clay. Students have opportunities to experience handwork through a variety of media, such as felting, knitting, and sewing. Waldorf Arts are used to teach students about perspective as they explore the history of art from different perspectives.